Luffy also thought of Sabo as a kinder elder brother than Ace. 1 Role in Games 2 Personality 3 Quotes 4 Gameplay 4.1 Moveset 4.2 Pirate Warriors 4 4.3 Fighting Style 5 Gallery 6 Externa Links Sabo appears at the end of the third game's story mode. [23], Sabo also works closely with Hack in the Revolutionary Army. Koala is happy for him when he finally reunites with his remaining brother, and also attempted to comfort him over any lingering feelings of regret he may feel over his inability to protect Ace - showing some closeness between the two. Sabo is shown to have extraordinary agility as he easily dodged an attack from a Fighting Fish, as well as tremendous physical strength, clashing with Jesus Burgess, a pirate known for his titanic strength and a captain of the Blackbeard Pirates first ship,[38] who is also a personal bodyguard to Emperor Blackbeard, with little effort. He commented that getting the fruit would not be easy. While reluctant, Sabo quickly changed his tune when she told him Luffy's life would be in danger, and he quickly made his way to the palace. At age 22, Sabo has retained much of his old personality, although he appears to have adapted many mannerisms from Luffy, including his brother's tendency to mispronounce the names of others. She also attends his battle at the Corrida Colosseum. His Busoshoku Haki is strong enough to shatter Burgess's Haki infused right arm armor, as well as Diamante's sword. Sabo seemed to sympathize with Rebecca and her family after seeing Doflamingo's actions on Dressrosa. Sabo joins Luffy, Smoker, Law, and Hancock to face Bullet. Its possible Cobra figured out Im's identity . [51], After receiving Luffy's message for the Straw Hats to meet up in two years, Robin decided to meet Dragon instead of going back to Sabaody Archipelago. [61], While Luffy and his allies from the colosseum charged up the New King's Plateau to reach Doflamingo, Sabo was shown preventing Issho and the Marines from going after them. Burgess then decided to take Sabo's Devil Fruit power and the two subsequently clashed. Ivankov explains to a pleading Bentham that he is not a miracle worker. Logia intangibility and regener… He stops … From the reactions of people with connection to Sabo, it is easy to presume that something bad happened to him. Outlook did have a look of shock on his face when Sabo was seemingly killed by Jalmack, though he may have been more surprised that his son would incur a World Noble's wrath. [49], As the word of the Battle of Marineford emerged to the Revolutionary camps, Sabo immediately gained a jolt to his lost memory discovering the death of his brother Ace and Luffy's involvement in the battle, making him remember everything for the first time in 10 years. The Revolutionaries also read about an incident involving Luffy, and they gave the newspaper to Nico Robin. Devil Fruit He was enraged at the news of Kuma’s enslavement and torture by the Celestial Dragons. He refused, forcing his father to bribe the official. Sabo is on friendly terms with his colleague Koala, having worked with her since they were both young teenagers. English Name: However, Sabo ordered Bartolomeo to protect Rebecca from Diamante in the final match and saved her after he destroyed the arena. Diamante attempted to attack him, but Sabo was able to break his weapon. Sabo read the newspaper talking about Luffy's exploits at Totto Land and was proud of him. Burgess in turn desired to kill Sabo and obtain the Mera Mera no Mi. Sabo came to Delta Island where Buena Festa was hosting the Pirates Festival. A group of Bluejam Pirates, led by Porchemy, was searching for Ace to get back the money he had stolen from them, and they spotted and captured Luffy. Garp's Challenge! His bounty of 602,000,000 proves that the World Government views him as an extremely dangerous threat. Sabo fully supported Dragon's intent to declare war on the World Nobles during the Levely, showing that he is not afraid to openly oppose them despite their privilege of summoning a Marine admiral for protection. [19] After Sabo joined the revolutionaries, Dragon personally trained him, enabling him to rise through the ranks until he became the Revolutionary Army's chief of staff. Festa attempted to shoot Sabo by surprise, but Sabo defeated him first with Hiken and captured him. [8], Surprisingly, the revolutionaries seem to oppose direct confrontations against the Marines that could incite global hostilities before they are prepared to declare war on the World Government. When Bastille charged at him, he effortlessly destroyed Bastille's sword right before dealing the finishing blow to the vice admiral. Height: As Jesus Burgess is a member of the Blackbeard Pirates, who turned Ace over to the World Government, Sabo holds him accountable for his death and the Marineford War 2 years ago. Sabo later told Rebecca and Bartolomeo that Luffy will be the future Pirate King showing that he, like his deceased brother Ace, supports Luffy's dream. [10] However, she is constantly frustrated with his selfish attitude in regards to disobeying orders as seen when she berates him for potentially drawing the ire of the Marines by fighting one of their Admirals. [73], While hiding underground with the revolutionary executives, Sabo resolved to save Kuma from his enslavement to the World Nobles.[74]. He is clad in a kimono and activates his Flame-Flame Fruit powers. Its just theory but i think no one died so far. Two of them are known: Inazuma for G Army commander Emporio Ivankov, and Ahiru for East Army Commander Belo Betty. After Doflamingo announced his hit list, Sabo was surprised to see that he was included in the list alongside Rebecca, Robin, and Usopp. After pushing Bartolomeo aside, Sabo revealed himself to Luffy. Sabo fights Rob Lucci to prevent the agent from attacking Luffy. Burgess attempted to take out both of them with his Surge Elbow but Sabo took him head-on with his Busoshoku Haki infused Dragon Talon and managed to break the armor surrounding his right arm. Burgess asked Sabo if he was going to kill him, but Sabo replied that he had no need to. He also let Sabo take up his disguise as Lucy to enter the finale in the Corrida Colosseum, allowing Sabo to take claim of the Mera Mera no Mi after Luffy gave him permission. [5], Anyone who becomes a Revolutionary is declared a threat and becomes wanted by the World Government, because as the world is stabilized through the Three Great Powers, the Revolutionaries are a threat to that critical balance. Sabo despised their rule on Dressrosa as he viewed it as similar to the injustice in his hometown. In contrast to Luffy, who readily chooses to target his adversary, Sabo seems to prefer destroying his opponent's weapon first before going head to head against them. Japanese VA: [53] Hack entered the tournament for the Mera Mera no Mi,[54] but was defeated in the first round. Dragon carried the unconscious boy to the Revolutionary Army's ship at Shimotsuki Village during the night, where his injuries were immediately treated by the crew.[50]. The only way to redeem them is an insane level of haki for commanders and somehow make sabo become on the level of kat at least. [42], Six years later, Thalassa Lucas brought up Dragon during the Levely at Mary Geoise, fearing the leader of the Revolutionaries was getting stronger and that in five or six years he would be a menace to the World Government. He later looked to his late brother to watch over him as he entered the arena. Dragon the revolutionary saved his life, and he wound up joining his force. [39] He later destroys the entire arena of the Corrida Colosseum, which was tough enough to resist all the previous battles between the New World gladiators with Haki enhanced physical strikes. Status: With this recent victory, members of the Revolutionary Army believed that they could start on the North Blue, but their leader, Dragon, believed that they were celebrating too soon in the war. [46], Sometime after Enies Lobby was annihilated by the Buster Call, the Revolutionary Army declared a victory in the South Blue, at a country called Centaurea. As Sabo entered the waiting room, he was confronted by Rebecca - who noticed that he was not the same Lucy as before. They and Boa Hancock were then approached by Trafalgar Law, who told them and Luffy his plan for destroying Bullet's colossus. Sabo, Koala, and Hack reunite in Dressrosa. He has also displayed an immensely fierce protective streak towards Luffy, to the point where he will disregard everything he is currently doing if he feels that Luffy is in any sort of danger, including his duties in the Revolutionary Army. Ace, being a fellow child who wants to be a pirate, was a good friend of Sabo's. However, after discovering the news that Ace was killed in the war from a newspaper article, Sabo's memories of Ace quickly returned to him after seeing his photo, which in turn brought back the rest of his lost memories. Sabo the general officer of the revolutionary army. Likewise, they shifted their planned officers meeting to the island and Dragon, Sabo, Ivankov, Inazuma, and Koala waited for their fellow officers to arrive. During a revolutionary mission in Episode 737, Sabo was shown using Kenbunshoku Haki to dodge gunfire, even though he has not shown any usage of it in the manga. Sabo then states that he must inherit Ace's power as he walks towards the arena. [7] The Revolutionaries also helped liberate slaves from Tequila Wolf. The anime reintroduces Sabo an episode before he meets Luffy and Bartolomeo, where he is seen briefly looking at the entrance to the arena inside the colosseum before setting off to find Luffy. [9] The next morning, he went and set sail on a stolen fishing boat,[49] intending to never return. On the other hand, Chief of the General Staff would be a more proper translation as it reflects the usage of sō (総) and is commonly translated as such for real-world military positions. Sabo decided to leave Goa and its stench, and wrote a letter to Ace and Luffy explaining his actions and hoping to meet again as pirates. Type Class 1 Class 2 Rarity Cost PSY Free Spirit Striker 4 15 Power Sockets Combo Price Max Lv.(Exp.) One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. After resting for awhile after the fight, Sabo received a scolding from Koala, who reprimanded him for not maintaining his position and potentially risking the Revolutionaries being forced into war by fighting with an admiral. Like his husband, she has the stereotypical personality of a Noble, and only seeks to further her family's status. 3,046 likes. However, after having escaped his parents once more not long after they had caught him and taken him away from his adoptive brothers, Sabo had then already set sail on his own, but his boat was destroyed by a Celestial Dragon moments later. As a result, she became very upset and cried over the thought of Sabo leaving the revolutionaries after regaining his memories, and knows about his history with Luffy and Ace and his regret about not being able to be at the Battle of Marineford. This ship was kept around for at least ten years, as seen when Dragon used it to rescue the citizens from the Gray Terminal, and when they landed to get supplies. Even as a child, Sabo already exhibited very high levels of physical capabilities from the very intense training he endured in the harsh environment of Mt. Type: He even refers to the nobles as "smelling worse than Trash Mountain, as they are people rotten to the core". To this end, Sabo was willing to assault Sterry in order to learn about the plan to burn down the Gray Terminal. [65], Sabo then informed Burgess of his relationship to Luffy and Burgess realized that Sabo was the Lucy who fought in the colosseum finals. [74] After seeing Kuma being a slave to the World Nobles, they planned to rescue him. He visited Ace's grave and left three cups of sake next to Ace's gravestone in the memory of their brotherhood, and pinned a newspaper article to the gravestone to indicate that Luffy is doing fine. Old man...the ones behind this fire...are the royalty and the nobles. Compared to Luffy and Ace, Sabo is the tallest out of the three brothers, measuring in at 187 cm (6'1½"), making him 2 cm (½") taller than Ace, who stood at 185 cm (6'1") before his death. Dragon then informed Ivankov that since Whitebeard died, they will soon have to gather the Revolutionary leaders spread around the world as the world's balance of power was beginning to shift. While Sabo cared greatly for Luffy and Ace, he absolutely did not care for his adopted brother, Sterry, who came from a higher nobility than Sabo's family and is arrogant and cowardly. The next night, when the Marines attacked Gran Tesoro, Sabo appeared on the lead Marine ship in order to stop Rob Lucci from attacking Luffy. He gave them a Vivre Card for Luffy before leaving. Sabo utilizing the Mera Mera no Mi powers. The Revolutionary Army's primary objective is to fight against the World Government's rule over the world. Sabo was able to beat Luffy in sparring matches fifty times in one day. [73] The Revolutionaries' base was attacked by the Blackbeard Pirates, who destroyed the base before the Marines and Cipher Pol arrived. After the timeskip he continues to use a similar metal pipe, effectively battling against and defending himself from attacks by opponents as strong as Diamante, a top executive of the Donquixote Pirates, and Burgess, the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates first ship. While they were discussing their future pirating lives, Ace poured them cups of sake, which they exchanged to become sworn brothers. [12], Due to being an independent militia, another goal of the Revolutionary Army is stockpiling arms in order to build up their military strength as their ultimate goal is to overthrow the World Nobles, who possess tremendous political influence including the privilege to summon Marine admirals for protection. Sabo portrayed as a 20 year old adult, alongside Ace and Luffy. Both returned to their family to prevent their loved ones from getting killed and were threatened by their fathers if they did not cooperate (Luffy and Ace for Sabo, Both had pirates involved in their return to their families (the, He is the only known revolutionary to use. They are the only force in the world that directly opposes the World Government and seek to dismantle it. [32] The Donquixote Family's defeat also enabled the revolutionaries to triumph in their battles across the world. Sabo Sabo was then contacted by Koala, who was waiting for him at the underground trade port. After finishing eating, Koala told him that the only places they have not looked for the underground weapons' trade was the Royal Palace and Corrida Colosseum. During the flashback of Sabo's past - the anime showcases his time with the revolutionaries up until the present timeline, even though his training with Hack and subsequent missions as a Revolutionary have not been shown in the manga chapter the episodes were based on. In response to his actions and other things, Doflamingo included Sabo in his list of "criminals" that he wanted the citizens to hunt down during his Birdcage game. Despite Sabo's grief, he took it upon himself to protect his remaining brother Luffy in Ace's stead, and vowed to never live with any regrets ever again - as he believed Ace would never have forgiven him for it. Instead, he relies on his abilities as a cat … Sabo departs for the harbor to rendezvous with Koala and Hack. Those who underestimate the effectiveness of the pipe will be taken down mercilessly. Occupations: 1. Issho noted that Sabo was not all talk after all, but asserted that he also had a title and reputation to maintain and used Ferocious Tiger to make gravity go horizontally with enormous pressure, destroying several buildings in the process as the sheer force made Sabo burst into flames as he charged forward, clashing with Issho once more, causing Sabo to ponder just what the admiral was plotting. After meeting up with Hack momentarily, Sabo observed the mistreatment of a toy slave being beaten and abused by its overseer, causing Sabo to declare to himself that he would expose the darkness of Dressrosa. [48], The Revolutionary Army liberated Tequila Wolf, freeing all the slaves being used as forced labor there, among whom was Nico Robin, who was sent there by Bartholomew Kuma. Sabo also mentioned to the Straw Hats that Garp kept him, Luffy, and Ace on a short leash and said so in a fond way, suggesting he did not mind Garp. [40], As the battle raged on, Sabo asked Issho why he was acting oblivious. [22], Sometime in the past, Emporio Ivankov and Inazuma were incarcerated within Level 5 of Impel Down for their membership in the Revolutionary Army. In a leaked snapshot, Morgans seemed excited to release a big news about ‘someone’s’ death. However, they were also forced to eliminate twenty extra people thanks to Fukurou revealing his unit's presence and their intentions to the town. The two had a brief battle until Gild Tesoro's defeated body fell between them, and Lucci took his leave. Status: [44], During their get-togethers, Ace told Sabo about a boy named Luffy who had been following him unsuccessfully. One year later, Koala joined the Revolutionary Army and she, Sabo, and Hack went on missions together. However, instead of carrying a katana, he is carrying his trusty steel pipe. (for eg., Mr.1, Mr.2 ) Having personally witnessed the cruelty of the nobles from his home in the Goa Kingdom, Sabo bears deep hatred towards them. Bounty: Did the revolutionaries really lose to the Blackbeards? [23][31] The two factions can become hostile to each other due to conflicting objectives.