Roblox gear codes consist of various items like building, explosive, melee, musical, navigation, power up, ranged, social and transport codes, and thousands of other things. SWGOH - Wedge lead vs Rex lead - Duration: 1:37. RJ Brando 1,209 views. Two options:.fromPrefs will create an internal instance of ApiSwgohHelp. … this guide was created. Go make an app and create something awesome. Data for rolls was gathered using an api that pulls information straight from the game. The data includes over 800,000 equipped mods from every character in every member's roster for 35 Guilds including the top 15 largest GP guilds in the game as of June 25, 2020. 2 years ago. Trim toon description; fix star count on ships [0.7.0] 2018-09-15. 3 years ago there is no official API, we reverse engineered the game client to get the data we need to power the site and its features. Wedge Antilles gear levels, materials and recipes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! The mods optimizer gets its data from the API. Sorry if I'm wrong! npm install swgoh-stat-calc-dataBuilder. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Characters; Filters . 56 % Wedge Antilles Speed: 180.0. With the Thrawn … But now it’s outdated garbage. is capping the number of mods you can get in your profile, I can't fix this without making breaking changes, you should use swoghApi. It's time to choose your path. Join me in the dev process, feature requests and app development! Follow us on Twitter! And back then it was pretty good in my opinion. Check it out! For current structure and available payload parameters for each available endpoint, see full api documentation at Go! Fetch /swgoh/* endpoints can be fetched via the prepared methods below, or with the generic fetch method shown here. Mod Rarities for for 1* – 4* mods are static, but with Mod Slicing ( later discussed in more detail ), 5* mods can be sliced into 6* mods. If speed is worth 100 and you decide that it's worth giving up 1 speed to gain 1000 protection, then protection should have a value of 0.1 (1 × 100 = 0.1 × 1000). You can visit AnswersHQ to … SWGOH.GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. SWGoH Dev Tracker - Overview This isn't an exhaustive list of every bug in the game, but will be updated around once a week with key issues. I will […] Discord offers an open API to serve requests for both bots and OAuth2 integrations. We are considering adding an API to our site for others though, just need to find the time to develop it I thought so because the developers of for example need some kind of source to extract those datas. swgoh-stat-calc-dataBuilder. The way to lock characters has changed since version 1.0. Player Cache Cooldown reduced (1 hour from 4 hours) Guild Cache Cooldown reduced (3 hours from 6 hours) SWGOH Rate Limits increased (600 per min from 44 per min) Access to the discord/ally code registry. Sorry about that. You can find the results of the data at Google Sheet - SWGoH: Mods Analysis. The SWGOH.GG GAC Meta Report is live! Posted by 7 hours ago. The SWGoH Community Team is Growing Developer Q&A - January 2019 Event Calendar - January 2019 Developer Q&A - December 2019 Event Calendar - December 2019 Developer Q&A - November 2019 Event Calendar - November 2019 Ships become invisible when setting up fleet defense in Territory Wars Dev Q&A - October State of the Galaxy: October 2019 Let’s talk mods! So go do it! Like us on Facebook! Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and … Based on project statistics from the GitHub repository for the npm package api-swgoh-help, we found that it has been starred 29 times, and that 1 other projects on the ecosystem are dependent on it. Games So whether you’re making your own !wumpus commands or looking to Log In With Discord, we’ve got you covered. Four Crit Damage mods provide +30% Crit Damage, and an added a pair of Crit Chance mods gives +8% extra Crit Chance, which generally aids the frequency that +30% Crit Damage is applied. A 5* mod is “stronger” than a 2* mod in roughly the same way a 5* character is “stronger” than a 2* character. Setup Installation. Initialization. API Supporters unlock upgraded access to the API to power up their community projects and provide a better experience for their users. I would be willing to update this guide if someone on Android is interested in starting over on a new account with a $25 google play credit on the account. Secondary stats can cause the Mods Optimizer to suggest different sets, or to suggest breaking up a set, though. Node package to build the 'gameData' object used by the swgoh-stat-calc package, by pulling data from the API. Edit: nvm - googled it - seems like there is no official API or something like that. Since it's not official (nor is ensured that it's going live), I'll jump and say, please don't make tons of different toons for the same one (Rebel Luke, Hoth Rebel Luke, I am your father Luke, Wing Pilot Luke, Dagobah Luke, Farmer Luke). SWGOH All Mod Meta Report Most common mod sets and primary stats for characters in our DB Arena Rank 1 Arena Rank 1-10 Arena Rank 1-100 Top 100 Guilds(Raid Points) Top 100 Guilds(GP) All. Swgoh Gear Levels You only have to turn the bezel to respond to calls, to read. FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn For example, if speed has a weight of 100 and a mod gives +6 speed, then the speed stat on that mod contributes 600 to the total value of the mod. It has to have very good secondaries, offense, potency or tenacity, for me to do that. I didn't check it yet, but this might be possible?