Many times these two areas go hand in hand; financial security tends to be coupled with secure relationships while financial difficulties are more likely to occur when close relationships are strained. The report concentrates on a complete description of possibilities. Since the solar return chart is a yearly one, the themes and events are from one birthday to the next. You probably will begin some type of activity related to art, … In an essence, it is our "astrological birthday", which can occure … Included in your report is an interpretation for retrograde Mercury, Venus and Mars, hemispheric and quadrant emphasis, preponderances and lacks, and each planet in every Solar Return house. Venus Square Uranus — Overcoming electric or love that It is calculated for the precise moment that Venus will return to it's exact Natal Position and for your location at the time of the Venus return. This makes the Solar Return similar to a horary, which makes predictions based on the quality of time that a question is asked or an event occurs. ... 2nd house is ruled by venus, which is also ruled by material posessions, and stability, and love. I have only written about Venus Square Uranus but there are other divorce aspects. The Solar Return Venus is directly on top of the natal Uranus, suggesting that relationships (7 th House) will be non-traditional and unusual, traveling primarily through technology (Gemini). If Venus is retrograde in the solar return chart, for example, some of your values are changing and you need to allow this to happen. Perhaps I met a man at work I didn’t see clearly. My solar return is ruled by venus in libra and conjuncts my chart ruler pluto in libra. It can be a period full of new beginnings, energy, enthusiasm, and you can feel more pioneering and excited. For Solar Return - the most promising aspects for meeting soulmate or someone "special" are these (you should have 2 or more! So, your 2019 solar return chart starts on your birthday in 2019 and ends on your birthday in 2020, where a new solar return begins. Venus strives to stay balanced by playing fair. Just like each year we get a Solar Return chart when the Sun returns to the exact position in the natal chart, we can also make a Venus Return chart each 8 – 12 months when Venus returns to it’s initial position in the natal chart. Mercury will bring mental work, etc. The Solar Return is the return of the Sun to its natal position. Your Solar Return occurs around your birthday (the day before, of, or after), and is when the transit (moving) Sun returns to the exact same position it was at when you were born. The VR charts are very powerful tools which can be used for predicting love and to some extent financial matters since Venus rules both. By Solar Return, a year with 29° on the Ascendant can have the same sense of finality, or an understanding of the difficulties inherent in that sign. There is also a fantastic Sagittarius Solar Eclipse backdrop along with Mar and and Venus in perfect alignment. Venus Return in Astrology Venus makes a return to its Natal position in your birth chart once every year. Important planets : • 7th house ruler (Trigger point for relationships) • Venus / Mars (Natural significators for Love & lust/Action) • Moon (Acts as an event trigger mostly in Transit charts) • Saturn (Acts as commitment) • Jupiter (Acts as luck & expansion) Venus Return Charts by Inge Lohse. Venus sextile Mars (3°41′) is one of the best solar return aspects for romance and socializing. It points out where the action is by its emphasis on certain houses and signs. You will be confident and assertive in chasing your desires without being at all threatening. The Solar Return is a snapshot of the zodiac at the precise moment that the transiting Sun conjoins the natal Sun. Venus returns happen once a year and, unlike solar and Mercury, this return doesn’t usually fall around an individual’s birthday. Between the intense heat (900 degrees Fahrenheit heat, or 480 degrees Celsius), the corrosive sulfuric clouds and a crushing atmosphere that is 90 times denser than Earth's, landing a spacecraft there is incredibly challenging. The retrograde effect of outer planets is less important in a Solar Return Chart because … Give things time, especially when considering making commitments. When the Solar Return Sun is in the Solar Return 1st house, you can spend the next year of your life focused more on yourself, your own wants and needs, and what you want to be getting started with. 2021 begins with a stunning conjunction in Aquarius, the first since 1405. Here is everything you want to know about Solar Returns! venus in the solar return chart Venus is the key to understanding your relationships and financial situation for the solar return year. Solar Return Ascendant ... Venus’ position can provide clues as to which areas of life prompt you to feel this need. Frequently there are gifts, favors, or money received at this time. Locate any stellium (3 or more planets in the same house and sign) and see how, together, they generate the experience that corresponds to that house and sign. Although the most common Return charts are Solar and Lunar Returns, the Venus Return is a surprisingly revealing forecasting tool. Venus returning to its Solar Return position generally brings a pleasant social occasion. A striking year will be one where a planet is partile or within a degree to one of the angles like Ascendant or Midheaven. Generally, we have one Venus return per year however if there is a Venus retrograde around the return time, then we may have three returns in that year. SR Mercury in the 1st house: So the 1st house is ruled by mars and generally people with mercury in the 1st have lots to say and love to learn. This might be fairly significant, and the individual could meet a romantic partner or form an important relationship. Astrology Topics: Venus Return Charts. The perfect blend of sexuality and affection make you look and feel sexy. For the solar return chart, it looks like Virgo is now partly in the first house and partly in the second. The solar Return 12th house (home to secrets and self-undoing) has Venus (planet of love) on my natal 6th house (work) perhaps I met a man at work that is the cause of my own self undoing. She is the planet of harmonious, secure and honest social relationships. The Venus Return is similar to the Lunar Return and the Solar Return charts. Venus rules females and love. Sun is the traditional ruler of males; the man in a woman’s chart. The aspects below would indicate a short relationship, for better or worse. Get nine types of Astrology Reports online for free, Birth Chart Wheel, In-depth detailed interpretation of your Natal Chart, Free Astrology Reading. A Venus return signifies new opportunities for relationships—both romantic and platonic. I have pluto in the 12H and SR Venus in the 1H. Venus is about love and money. A chart is drawn for the moment that Venus returns (each year) to its position at birth, and this Venus Return chart is then interpreted. Don’t ignore the truth, it is right in front of you. The Venus Return chart is cast from the moment that Venus returns to the exact degree it was situated at the time of birth. Dating events in the Solar Return chart and Transits interpretation in relation to an on-going SR Dating events in the context of an SR is the ambition of all those who wish to use astrology as a prediction tool (for themselves, others, as a profession, as a hobby etc). A few years ago, when my own Solar Return Ascendant was at 29° Libra, it coincided with the end of my marriage. The Solar Return chart is a summary of the year ahead. So, the solar return – also called solar revolution ... Venus will bring beauty and attraction. Specifically the inner/personal planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) that apparently function more potent/powerfully or more noticeable when retrograde – orbiting closer to Earth; so this makes sense. For the solar return chart, it looks like the houses in the outer, solar return circle don’t line up with the houses in the inner, birthdate chart. Sun conjunct Venus in my solar return can represent a romance. You can create a chart for the moment of the return called the Solar Return Chart, and from that chart, you can glean some information about how the next year of your life will go, until your next birthday. Solar Return 2021. I was wondering about the retrograde planets in my 2020 Solar Return Chart…. 2) Solar Return 3) Lunar Return 4) Venus Return 5) Progressions 6) Solar Arc. There can be a strong focus on relationships and partnerships, or you can begin a new partnership that demands a lot of your attention. Venus isn't the closest planet to the Sun, but it is the hottest in our solar system. The Solar Return rising sign should be carefully considered since the personality will take on many of the characteristics of the sign, and endeavors will show an expression of the attributes of that sign. I was born in late September so there is still time for this energy to manifest differently but I am glad Ceri made some … What you think was valuable in the early part of the year may be different by the end of the year due to this reevaluation process. The Sun also angles perfectly to the planet of innovation Uranus, and all this offers us hope of a brighter year. Solar Return Asc Conjunct natal Venus: Your artistic and creative abilities will surface. Solar Return Chart Return on the same birth position Solar return (revolution) for a particular year calculates the exact moment, when transiting Sun returns on the same birth position. Is that correct? Natal aspects, by transit, or solar return. Venus represents what we hold most dear. For instance, in my birth chart, Virgo is my 12th house. Also, in judging the doorway of the Ascendant, find the natal house that holds the Solar Return rising degree. Venus Returns. ): - Venus trine/conjunct Sun - Venus trine/conjunct Ascendant Many times these two areas go hand in hand; financial security tends to be coupled with secure relationships while financial difficulties are more likely to occur when close relationships are strained. When this return happens, it marks the beginning of a new year for you with new themes and events. The events on the day before, of and after the exact return are very telling about how you will fare during the next 12 months in regards to Venus matters: Relationships, love, luxuries, vehicles, the good things in life, sensory and sensual enjoyments of any sorts! Solar Return Mercury Houses. Venus Return. A planet (solar return and natal) in close aspect to the solar return horizon (Ascendant-Descendant) -- orb no more than six degrees -- affects the nature of how one perceives reality, how one projects the self, what one considers important in dealing with others, and the behavior and activities which one expresses in the world during the year. Venus loves all things luxurious, has a flair for artistic beauty and seeks financial security. The Solar return shows potentials for the year, including for marriage Each and every Solar Return chart for the years I entered relationships were very heavy in the 5 th and 7 th houses Look for a well-placed Venus and ruler of the 7 th house for more details and clues venus in the solar return chart Venus is the key to understanding your relationships and financial situation for the solar return year.