ESSAY WRITING Lessons in Cambridge ... Student Book, Spring20 PDF - Page 2/4. extra (adj, adv & n)F farm (n) fight (n & v) farmer (n) figure (n)face (n) farming (n) file (n) • a sad look on his face fashion (n) fashionable (adj) • Click here to open the file.face to face (adv) fast (adj & adv) • school filesface-to-face (adj) fasten (v) fill (v)facilities (n pi) fast food (n) fill in (phr v) fat (adj) • You need to fill in a form. • a play at the theatre (n)per (prep) picnic (n) • children playing (v)percent (adv) picture (n) • to play football (v)perfect (adj) pie (n) • to play the guitar (v)perform (v) piece (n) • to play a CD (v)performance (n) • to play the part of someoneperformer (n) • a piece of cheeseperfume (n) • to break into small pieces (act) (v)perhaps (adv) • a piece of furniture/advice player (n)period (n) pig (n) playground (n)permanent (adj) pile (n) pleasant (adj)permission (n) pill (n) please (exclam & v)permit (v) pillow (n) • Dogs are not permitted here. alive (adj) all (adj, adv, det & pron)above (adj, adv & prep) ad (advertisement) (n) all right/alright (adj,adv & exclam) allow (v)abroad (adv) add (v) almost (adv) alone (adv & adj)absent (adj) addition (n) along (adv & prep) aloud (adv)absolutely (adv) • in addition alphabet (n) already (adv)• The movie was absolutely address (n) also (adv) although (conj) awful. Examples of 'literal' multi-word verbs are come into, sit down, as in 'Why not come into the kitchen and sit down?' Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS is a guide for students who prepare for Academic IELTS and want to score 6.5 points or higher.. click (n & v) comma (n) cliff (n) common (adj)check out (phr v) climate (n) • He checked out of the hotel climb (v) • a common surname at the end of his stay. It includes vocabulary from the Council of Europe’s Threshold (1990) specification and business-related are included, the 'LanguageSpecification' section of the Preliminary and Preliminary for SchoolsHandbook (available from should be consultedfor a more complete listing.2012 Page 2 of 51 Cambridge English: Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List, • ExemplificationExample phrases and sentences showing how words might be used are given onlywhere words with different meanings need to be constrained. Example: • They let their child do what he wants. • a firework displayfantastic (adj)far (adv) Page 15 of 51 Cambridge English: Preliminary and Preliminary for Schoolsfare (n) Vocabulary List • The return fare is £26. (det) service (n)sausage (n) • sixty seconds in a minute (n) • a bus servicesave (v) secondary (adj) • customer service • secondary school session (n) • to save someone second-hand (adj & adv) • in a school, gym • to save money secret (adj & n) set (n & v) • to save time secretary (n) set off (phr v)say (v) section (n) • She set off early for work. sitting room (n)shelf (n) • in sight, out of sight situated (adj)shine (v) sightseeing (n) situation (n)shiny (adj) sign (n & v) size (n)ship (n) • a road sign (n) skate (n & v)shirt (n) • to sign a document (v) skateboard (n & v)shock(n) • no sign of life (n) skateboarding (n) • to suffer from shock (n) • signs of winter (n) skating (n)shocked (adj) signal (n & v) ski (n & v) skiing (n)2012 Page 34 of 51 Cambridge English: Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List, skill (n) solution (n) speak (v)skin (n) solve (n) speaker (n)skirt (n) some (det & pron) special (adj)sky (n) somebody (pron) spectacular (adj)sleep (n & v) somehow (adv) speech (n)sleeve (n) slice (n) someone (pron) speed (n)slim (adj) something (pron) spell (v)slip (v) sometimes (adv) spelling (n) somewhere (adv) spend (v) • to slip on the ice slow (adj) son (n)slowly (adv) song (n) • to spend money/timesmall (adj) soon (adv) spice (n)smart (adj) spicy (adj) • I'llcome soon. Shall I tellget down (phr v) you now? kind (adj & n)keep up (phr v) king (n) kiss (n & v) • Keep up the good work! its prices.push (n & v) • He didn't want to put onput(v) weight. (adv) • to serve in a shopsauce (n) • This is the second time server (n)saucepan (n) • a file serversaucer (n) you've been late. (Am Eng: kilogram) knowledge (n)keep on (phr v) kilometre (km) (n) (Br Eng) (Am knee (n) Eng: kilometer) • He kept on talking. Some of these are relevant to specific tasks or questions in the IELTS examination (for example, describing how something works, talking This publication has made use of the English Vocabulary Profile. %%EOF The meaning of each word or phrase in the wordlists hasbeen assigned a level between A1 and B2 on the CEFR.A preview version of the English Vocabulary Profile can be accessed by visitingthe website: http://www.englishprofile.orgOrganisation of the list• Word setsSome categories of words that a learner at this level might be expected to know, e.g.days of the week, are not included in the alphabetical list but are listed in Appendix 1.Although 'grammar words' (pronouns, modal verbs, etc.) grape (n) guidebook (n) graphics (n pi) guilty (adj) • Your tie and shirt don't go grass (n) guitar (n) together. You should learn new vocabulary as short phrases. (v) meter)magazine (n) maximum (adj & n) microwave (n)magic (adj & n) may (mv)magnificent (adj) maybe (adv) • a microwave ovenmail (n & v) me (pron) midday (n)main (adj) meal (n) middle (n)main course (n) mean (v) middle-aged (adj)make (v) midnight (n)make sure (v) • What do you mean? What you need to do is make sure you start building your vocabulary in a logical way. (adv) • I like a good workout at the • Well, here we are. (n)read (v) regarding (prep)reader (n)reading (n)ready (adj)real (adj)2012 Page 31 of 51 Cambridge English: Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List, • to reserve a seat (v) • Fill it right to the top. As a rule, new words and expressions are introduced through listening or reading exercises, which may occur in the IELTS exam.. Check Pages 1 - 50 of VOCABULARY LIST - Cambridge English in the flip PDF version. • to train in a skill (v) try (v) turn on (phr v)trainer (n) • to try to do something • a pair of trainers • to try (out) something • Can you turn on the TV? Background to the List The PET Vocabulary List was originally developed by Cambridge ESOL in consultation with external consultants to guide item writers who produce materials for the PET examination. shop assistant (n) silver (adj & n) shopping (n) similar (adj)several (det & pron) shore (n) simple (adj)sew (v) short (adj) since (conj & prep)sex (n) shortly (adv) sincerely (adv) shorts (n pi) • the male/female sex • Yours sincerelyshade (n) • a pair of shorts sing (v) should (mv) singer (n) • to sit in the shade shoulder (n) singing (n)shadow (n) shout (n & v) single (n & adj)shake (v) show (n & v)shall (mv) • a single (ticket) toshame (n) • a film show (n) Manchester (n)shampoo (n) • Show it to me. (n) moustache (n) music (n)modern (adj) mouth (n) musical (adj)moment (n) move (v) musician (n)money (n) movie (n) (Am Eng) (Br must (mv)monkey (n) Eng:film) multiply (v)month (n) movie star (n) (Am Eng) (Br my (det)monument (n) Eng: film star) myself (pron)mood (n) movie theater (n) (Am Eng) (Br mystery (n)moon (n) Eng: cinema)more (adv, det & pron) MP3 player (n)morning (n) Mr (n)mosquito (n)most (adv,det & pron)N negative (adj) night (n) neighbour (n) nightclub (n)name (n & v) neighbourhood (n) nightlife (n)narrow (adj) nephew (n) nightmare (n)nasty (adj) nervous (adj) no (adv, det & pron)national (adj) nobody (pron)nationality (n) • a nervous person noise (n)natural (adj) • to feel nervous noisy (adj)nature (n) net (n) none (pron) network (n) noon (n) • nature studies never (adv) no one (pron)navy blue (adj) new (adj) normal (adj)near (adv, prep & adj) news (n) normally (adv)nearby (adj & adv) newspaper (n) north (adj, adv & n)nearly (adv) next (adj & adv) northeast (adj & n)neat (adj) next to (prep) northern (adj)necessary (adj) nice (adj) northwest (adj & n)neck (n) niece (n)necklace (n)need (v) Page 25 of 51 Cambridge English: Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List 2012, nose (n) notice (n & v) nowhere (adv)not (adv) • to read a notice (n) number (n)note (n & v) • until further notice (n)• to write a note (n) • Did you notice anything • numbers 5 to 7• a ten-pound note (n) wrong? h�bbd``b`� $׃�` �: D����@�+H�^�J5�Y���o��` �4 (n) pronounce (v)port (n) • I got some lovely birthday • to pronounce a wordposition (n)positive (adj) presents. wedding (n)warning (n) • the wrong way week (n)wash (n & v) • a long way weekday (n)wash up (phr v) • to stand in the way weekend (n)washing machine (n) • That's the way to do it. admire (v) altogether (adv) always (adv)accent(n) admission (n) a.m (adv) amazed (adj)• She has a beautiful French • charges/cost/price amazing (adj) ambition (n) accent. 10544 0 obj <> endobj (deliberately) put on (phr v) put up (phr v) • He put on a suit. • a link to a website • Who's looking after your • Let me think. The full Cambridge English: Starters. • The water had turned intotraffic jam (n) • a true friendtraffic light(s) (n) trumpet (n) ice.train (n & v) trust (v) turn off (phr v) • to trust someone • to travel by train (n) truth (n) • She turned off the engine. grateful (adj) guitarist (n) great (adj) gum (n)grab (v) green (adj & n) • He grabbed my bag and ran greet (v) • chewing gum away. (v) memory • Who's minding the baby for • to buy something from a • happy memories market • computer memory you? By reviewing vocabulary for 30 (exclam) designer (n) • compact disc/CO desk (n) • hard diskdeath (n) despite (prep) • floppy diskdecide (v) dessert (n) disc jockey (OJ) (n)decision (n) destination (n) disco(theque) (n)declare (v) destroy (v) discount (n)decorate (v) detail (n) discover (v)decrease (n & v) detective (n) discuss (v)deep (adj & adv) develop (v) discussion (n)defeat (n & v) development (n) disease (n)defence (n) diagram (n) disgusting (adj)defend (v) dial (v) dish (n)definitely (adv) diary (n)degree (n) dictionary (n) die (v) • 90 degrees • a degree in mathsdelay (n & v)2012 Page 12 of 51 Cambridge English: Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List, dishwasher (n) double (adj & det) drop (n & v)disk (n) doubt (n) drugstore (n) (Am Eng) (Brdislike (v) down (adv & prep) Eng: chemist)display (n & v) download (n & v) drum (n)distance (n) downstairs (adj & adv) dry (adj & v)district (n) dozen (det & n) duck (n)disturb (v) Dr (n) due(adj)dive (v) drag (v)diver (n) • The next bus is due in fivedivide (v) • Just drag and drop the file minutes.diving (n) into the trash can.OJ (disc jockey) (n) due to (prep phr)do (av & v) drama (n) dull (adj)doctor I Dr (n) draw (v) during (prep)document (n) dust (n)documentary (n) • to draw a picture of dustbin (n) (Br Eng) (Amdog (n) someone or something Eng:trash can)doll (n) dusty (adj)dollar (n) • to draw the curtains duty (n)dolphin (n) • to draw near duty-free (adj & n)donkey (n) drawer (n) duvet (n)door (n) drawing (n) DVD (n)dot (n) dream (n & v) DVD player (n) dress (n & v) • Have you visited dressed (adj) Wordlist. broccoli (n) 'Don't bother!' boot) • a race track turning (n)tracksuit (n) • the trunk of a car • the first turning on the lefttrade (n) true (adj)traditional (adj) turn into (phr v)traffic (n) • Is it true? Start with your interests. It includes vocabulary from the Council of Europe's Threshold (1990) specification and other vocabulary which corpus evidence shows is high frequency. The English Vocabulary Profileshows the most common words and phrases that learners of English need to know inBritish or American English. The most important thing is to do it regularly and do it in a way that you enjoy. owe (v) (prep)P park (n & v) passport (n) • a public park (n) password (n)pack (v) • to park a car (v) past (adj, n & prep) • to pack a case (v) parking (n) • the past few weeks (adj)packet (n) parking lot (n) (Am Eng) (Br • in the past (n)page (n) Eng:car park) • It's half past one. tax (n) • to have a temperature • The plane takes off at 6. taxi (n) • air temperaturetake part (in) (v) tea (n) temporary (adj) • Everybody took part in the teach (v) tennis (n) meeting.2012 Page 37 of 51 Cambridge English: Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List, tense (n) thirsty (adj) • Four times five is twenty.tent (n) this (det & pron) (v)term (n) those (det & pron)terrible (adj) though (conj) timetable (n)terribly (adv) thought (n) tin (n)terrific (adj)terrified (adj) • to have thoughts about • a tin of peastest (n & v) something • made of tintext (n & v) tiny (adj)textbook (n) • to be deep in thought tip (n)text message (n) thriller (n) • the tip of the pencilthan (conj & prep) throat (n) • a tip for the waitressthank (v) through (prep) tired (adj)thanks (exclam) throw (v) tiring (adj)thank you (exclam) throw away (phr v) tissue (n)that (conj, det & pron) title (n)the (det) • He threw away the old TV.